Best Trees to Plant for Shade

shade tree

Growing shade trees in your yard has many wonderful benefits. Underneath a full-grown shade tree is the best place for a backyard BBQ or for kids to play outside. A shade tree will also keep your home cooler during warmer months of the year.

To get the full benefit of shade trees, you have to plant the correct species of tree and care for them properly.

WI Tree Trimming has recommendations for the best trees to plant for shade, and some expert advice on maintaining your shade trees so they grow strong and healthy.

Planting Trees for Shade

Any tree can technically provide shade, but there are some types of trees that are built for optimal shade. These trees often have a thick, wider canopy that reaches out nearly as far as it does upward.

Below, we’ve provided some examples of shade trees depending on whether they would be best suited for your back or front yard.

Back Yard Shade Trees

Shade trees in the back yard are typically for the homeowner’s benefit. Next-door neighbors and passersby probably won’t be able to see these trees , so they can be planted purely for shade and enjoyment.

In addition to shade, these trees can create year-round color as well as some extra privacy from neighbors.

Here are popular options:

  • Magnolia
  • Sugar maple or silver maple
  • Weeping willow
  • Weeping cherry
  • Red oak

If you have the space, a live oak is another fantastic choice. Live oaks are said to be the fastest growing shade trees, and are able to get very big. An older live oak can reach up to 80 feet tall and up to 100 feet wide.

A lot of these back yard tree suggestions get very large, so you definitely want to do some research to determine if the tree is going to have enough space to reach maturity.

If there is not enough room, its root system can destroy your fencing or home foundation. You will also have to prune the tree every year to keep it manageable. A tree that grows too big for its location will probably have to be cut down, which is an unfortunate and sometimes expensive situation.

Front Yard Shade Trees

In the front yard, you are planting trees for your enjoyment as well, but these trees will be a lot more impactful for increasing value and curb appeal to your home than the back yard trees.

Purchase shade trees for the front yard that are a little smaller so they don’t overpower your home. These trees should complement your landscaping in size and color, while still creating plenty of shade for front yard play and relaxation.

These are some of our favorites:

Red maple
River birch
White oak
Ginkgo tree

These species trees are beautiful throughout the year, and they’ll display even more color in the fall months.
Another good option for your front or side yard is the ‘Green Giant’ Arborvitae. This hedge-like tree can be planted in a long row to create privacy as well as shade.

With options in mind, we recommend that you plant what you like. In reality, any type of tree can grow to become a “shade tree.” Assuming the trees you choose are suitable for the climate in Wisconsin, they will provide your yard and home with some shade.

Benefits of Planting Shade Trees

The reasons to have shade n your yard are numerous — and there are some that you probably don’t automatically think about.

Shade, Obviously – When temperatures soar, you don’t have to run indoors if you have a nice, shady yard. Set up a chair or hammock below your biggest shade tree and enjoy time outside as long as you like.

Climate Control – Trees can help regulate the temperature in your yard and inside your home. Not only will trees protect you from hot sun, but they can make it feel 10-15 degrees colder under their canopies. This translates to less solar radiation on your home as well, which should also result in lower energy costs!

Better Air Quality – Trees produce oxygen and filter out pollutants from the air, so there is healthier air around your home. Arbor Day Foundation research states that one mature tree absorbs around 48 pounds of CO2 out of the air.

Shelter for Animals – If you’re into bird watching or think squirrels and chipmunks are cute, your shade trees can give them all they will need to build a home, find food and raise babies.

Fun – What child doesn’t want a backyard tree fort or tire swing? If you have children, shade trees will provide hours of fun and joyful memories.

How to Care for Shade Trees

Maintaining shade trees is pretty easy as long as you’ve planted the type of trees for the weather in Wisconsin. Trees are strong and hardy after a couple of years, needing little attention or maintenance.

Consult a certified arborist from WI Tree Trimming if you have questions about how to care for your trees, or to help you determine the perfect tree for your home.

As soon as you have chosen the best shade tree(s), follow this simple care guide until your shade tree is fully grown.

Planting Your Shade Tree

The east, west and south sides of your property always get the most sun, so plant your new trees on one of these sides of your yard. This is two-fold: 1) the trees will then create the most amount of shade and 2) they will also receive the maximum amount of sun to grow healthy.

Trimming Your Shade Tree

Prune during the first year or two after you first plant the tree in order to shape it and help it develop a strong structure. To be safe, and for the best results, call WI Tree Trimming for tree trimming in Wisconsin. A certified arborist will arrive at your home and deliver professional care for the tree.

Watering Your Shade Tree

Watering a new tree is crucial. This will help them form a deep and strong root system and will give the tree stability in the long run.

Fertilizing Your Shade Tree

Fertilize a shade tree the same way you would any other tree in order to promote healthy growth. Fertilizer is not a requirement, but it can help your tree to grow faster and blossom more leaves, which are the source of your shade.

We hope this blog post was helpful! Remember, when it is time to prune or trim a new shade tree, WI Tree Trimming can help! Call and a certified arborist in Wisconsin will visit your property, assess the tree and determine the best care plan for its long-term growth and health.